Friday, September 23, 2005

Sometimes I wonder

Sometimes I wonder, what it's all about.
I sit and I stare at the birds and the bees,
At the swaying trees,
And I wonder.
Why do I feel tired all the time?
Why do I wonder about never feeling fine?
Sometimes I wonder about the point of it all,
Then I look outside, end up feeling small.
Its a nice gentle afternoon sunset outside and I miss sitting and watching the day fade. Seems as though there isn't time to live anymore. Too much to do and no time to do it. Yet we resign outselves to this fate as though its better than not doing anything. I guess I feel better to be getting somewhere than sitting watching the world go by.
Yet sometimes I wish that there was more watching and less madly running towards unseen goals.

I think I need more beer.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

It's all over

You know, for something that you spend 18 months planning, a wedding is over awfully quickly. It seems like ages ago that I was getting my car washed on the big day. But then you have to think about the consequences of that day. I'm now married. I have a spouse. My best friend now lives with me. I have a special ring. These are all good things! I guess it's the start of the journey. It's like planning a big overseas trip. You spend ages planning for something that in reality is relatively short, yet once you have gone on the trip, you realize when you come back that your changed. You are no longer someone who hasn't been anywhere. Thus I've done been somewhere and done something by being married.

It's all about the journey.

Next month I'll be one who has done a kitchen...