Yes he can be a lot of work but you do that willingly. Because he's part of you. Because he gives you a reason to exist. Something to justify all the other crap that you go through. He's your chance to engender all those ideals that you've spent the last decade creating. He's so many things it's hard to get across just what it is that make him so special.
Then again, this is not something I could imagine or theorize about before the event. All those couples out there making the choice not to have kids are working on minimal information. But then noone is ever going to suggest you have kids just to try it out. You can't hand them back if you find that it's not your cup of tea.
Kids, I think are something you just have to take on faith.
Faith, remember is something you do when there is insufficient evidence to make an educated descision. I think that's what kids are about, you decide that you want them without any evidence either for or against. You won't really know if it's the right thing until you are there, you just have a feeling that it will be right.
And that's all you have to go on.
For me, it was enough. I love my son and I'm so glad he's here to enrich my world.