Friday, July 28, 2006


I was head hunted the other day. Out of the blue. Talked about the role...offering more significantly more $$$ than I am on now.

So yes I was interested. But then he mentioned the travel. And I guess to some people that would be a bonus for the job but for me (and us) with a child on the way it's just not viable. The travel would have been 5 times a month in Canberra, twice a month interstate and twice a year overseas. I mean it sounds nice but really with a kid on the way I don't think that's the way to start.

Besides I'm really comfy where I am . Which I guess means that it will be a long time before I go anywhere. I mean I just can't imagine this degree of autonomy. I like running my day how I see fit and persuing what technical improvements I think would be good.

This job has a mix of everything I like, freedom, geekiness and stuff to play with. What more could you want? Oh and it's close to home.

Does this sound like I'm trying to justify staying put in a job that I've been in for over 6 years? Yes it does? Well , I guess that's what I'm doing. It's not all about the money.

Well there you have it. Only the second time I have ever been head hunted.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


I was thinking the other day about what makes us do things. What motivates us and drives us to suceed. I find myself now rather blessed with ambition something that years ago would have seemed alien to me.

Yet I do not know how I got here exactly and it's strange to think that I quite enjoy this side of myself.

So, I was given to thinking these things and came to the conclusion that it all comes down to the ego. I have one, you have one, most people seem to have them. It really is a matter of how much we let our ego's influence our thoughts and actions.

When it comes to me I have to admit that I have a healthy ego but it is this very health that lets me think that I will do well. By believing that I will do well I end up with ambition to do well.

Does that make sense? These thoughts are just coming out as I type so I would expect not a lot of sense.

So you see I have a desire to prove to people that I am smart and that by being smart I will go places. From spending too much time at uni to never getting anything finished I was furnished with a measure of guilt that I have wasted my time that I have left things too late.

But now, with ambition brought about my ego I feel more and more powerful. I feel like I can pull off anything if I just let my ego drive me. I feel like I am a force that can reckon with others on an equal level despite my brain (which has always seemed like a hindrance).

Yes, it's a ramble. It's random thoughts but do you get what I'm saying?

By having a healthy ego (sometimes a bit too healthy) I am able to say to myself, yes I can do that, yes I am _going_ to do that and I desrve to do well.

I like my ego. I like me. And that's where I want to be.

Oh, and I love my wife and our little bunny.

Over and out.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

My Piano

Yesterday I had my piano delivered out of storage. It had been there fore over two years since my parents sold their house and I didn't have room for it in my unit.

But the storage company is no longer doing storage and so I had to move it somewhere. Turns out it fits nicely in my garage and still leaves room for the car! So woo there.

The thing that got me most was how it felt to have a play on it again. It's obviously been over two years since I've played it and most likely since I've played a real piano at all.

And oh how I miss it. How different it feels from an electronic keyboard no matter how weighted the keys are. There is just some extra character that comes from the mechanical-ness of it all.

Whilst I was having a brief flitter over the keys (yes my fingers still worked!!) one of my neighbours wandered past and commented that it sounded like someone was playing the piano!

What an obvious thing yes but I guess you don't expect to hear pianos in garages. She commented that perhaps we (as in people in general) would hear more of me. I was quite happy by that comment. I am so used to people telling me to stop playing, or be quiet or such things. Like the sound of a piano is annoying or such.

Well, I'm looking forward to having the occasional tinkle on it. Working out my frustrations in music I think is the best therapy one can employ!

Thank you for listening.

Friday, July 07, 2006


It's an interesting word. Yet how does one get it? I've been thinking about that over the last few months and haven't really come up with anything useful.

I mean sure, I know what I respect. Friend of mine running his own business, I respect that. I'm sure it's not easy, and there is no rest. But he's out there following his dream and you gotta respect him for that.

Or perhaps someone who has a big boat or house that you can look up to and say , yes you've obviously worked hard to get these things. That's gotta be worth respect.

Or perhaps someone who's had to endure coming out to his friends and family. I mean that's got to be the hardest thing to do. I respect that. I can't ever imagine having the gonads to pull that off yet he has.

Yet none of this helps me get respect. I mean how do I get respect? I don't have money. I have little time to gather significant wealth markers. I don't think I have any dark secret that would justify anything near the respect I have for someone coming out.

So what is it that I can do? Perhaps I can just lead a life that I am not ashamed of. Look after my wife and raise my kids as best I can? Does that seem like something worthy of respect. Despite being an all too comon thing that many many people have done before me?

Ok, if you agree with me that this is worthy, then why does it seem that there is so little respect going around these days? What makes someone think that respect is gotten from having a fully sick car or a concealed weapon? Where did our values get so warped to think that these things warrant anything?

I continue to wonder about how afraid we are and how little we respect each other. I am worried that the things we do sway others against us.

So there is nothing else I can think of for this post. At least I have unburnded my soul to you all and now you can ponder the same questions that I have. Won't that be nice!

Duff Man