Friday, July 07, 2006


It's an interesting word. Yet how does one get it? I've been thinking about that over the last few months and haven't really come up with anything useful.

I mean sure, I know what I respect. Friend of mine running his own business, I respect that. I'm sure it's not easy, and there is no rest. But he's out there following his dream and you gotta respect him for that.

Or perhaps someone who has a big boat or house that you can look up to and say , yes you've obviously worked hard to get these things. That's gotta be worth respect.

Or perhaps someone who's had to endure coming out to his friends and family. I mean that's got to be the hardest thing to do. I respect that. I can't ever imagine having the gonads to pull that off yet he has.

Yet none of this helps me get respect. I mean how do I get respect? I don't have money. I have little time to gather significant wealth markers. I don't think I have any dark secret that would justify anything near the respect I have for someone coming out.

So what is it that I can do? Perhaps I can just lead a life that I am not ashamed of. Look after my wife and raise my kids as best I can? Does that seem like something worthy of respect. Despite being an all too comon thing that many many people have done before me?

Ok, if you agree with me that this is worthy, then why does it seem that there is so little respect going around these days? What makes someone think that respect is gotten from having a fully sick car or a concealed weapon? Where did our values get so warped to think that these things warrant anything?

I continue to wonder about how afraid we are and how little we respect each other. I am worried that the things we do sway others against us.

So there is nothing else I can think of for this post. At least I have unburnded my soul to you all and now you can ponder the same questions that I have. Won't that be nice!

Duff Man

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