Saturday, July 15, 2006

My Piano

Yesterday I had my piano delivered out of storage. It had been there fore over two years since my parents sold their house and I didn't have room for it in my unit.

But the storage company is no longer doing storage and so I had to move it somewhere. Turns out it fits nicely in my garage and still leaves room for the car! So woo there.

The thing that got me most was how it felt to have a play on it again. It's obviously been over two years since I've played it and most likely since I've played a real piano at all.

And oh how I miss it. How different it feels from an electronic keyboard no matter how weighted the keys are. There is just some extra character that comes from the mechanical-ness of it all.

Whilst I was having a brief flitter over the keys (yes my fingers still worked!!) one of my neighbours wandered past and commented that it sounded like someone was playing the piano!

What an obvious thing yes but I guess you don't expect to hear pianos in garages. She commented that perhaps we (as in people in general) would hear more of me. I was quite happy by that comment. I am so used to people telling me to stop playing, or be quiet or such things. Like the sound of a piano is annoying or such.

Well, I'm looking forward to having the occasional tinkle on it. Working out my frustrations in music I think is the best therapy one can employ!

Thank you for listening.

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