Friday, February 17, 2006

Total Arnie

For those total sci-fi geeks out there I finally laid my hands on a copy of Total Recall after many years searching. Finally get to recite two weeks ad nauseum. Ahh the bliss of it all...I even had a promise from my wife that she will watch it!

I can finally rest in my DVD quest now that I have this spot filled. Sure there are other classics out there...Blade Runner or or um, well I'm sure there are more.

Needless to say I think I've had enough tea for today.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ry,

We can swap ... 'Total Recall' for 'Running Man'


Ryan Ruckley said...

Running man wasn't bad...but I don't know if I could give up Total Recall I mean that's a cult classic.

Anonymous said...

well, I didnt mean permanently. I meant mutual loan.

total recall is a classic, not as good as the book unfortunately but then what is?

altho i have to say the vacuum scene at the end is just pathetic. the effects are atrocious.