Monday, March 27, 2006

Neighbourhood Grrr

Lying awake in bed last night, I was listening to an argument breaking out across the laneway. I couldn't help but think about what it is that brings people to this point where they are so agressive towards one another.

If we hadn't of closed the window early on you could have heard what it was they were arguing about but you could certainly here the doors being slammed and things being thrown (or at least that's what I imagined).

I couldn't help wondering if it is a certain type of personality that takes people to this point. Or perhaps its an intelligence thing. All I know is growing up I learnt confrontation avoidance from my dad. I now never want to get anywhere near a conflict even when perhaps I should.

It's a hard questions to answer as to the appropriate level of anger. My answer for a long time has been that no anger is appropriate, that anger is a symptom of lack of emotional control. But I know how that this is not the case. I'm learning but I'm still not understanding.

I don't want to slam doors and throw objects at people yet I don't want to completely avoid confrontation either.

Grrr. Does that help?

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