Thursday, May 04, 2006

The structure of life

I often wonder what drives me to such different ends.

Ok I must explain. Often I am driven into a cleaning frenzy at home (or even at the office) which to me is out of character. Other times I am driven to lazy boughts of TV watching.

I feel like I am torn between the structure and routine side of life and the free form, do whatever kind of living. Yet I am at a loss to find a balance. Is there a balance? Am I talking total twallop?

I don't know. I just know that there must be a happy medium in the middle with just enough lazing around and just enough routine and order to make even someone like me happy.

I guess if we had choice we wouldn't do anything? Does that mean that it's choosing between what must be done and what is nice to do? Work and Play? Enjoying life and just getting on with it?

I guess our internal happiness depends a lot on how we feel about our lot in life. If there were no play and all work then you would tend to get depressed surely. If there were no work and all play I could imagine you would get bored quickly.

Work gives us a sense of purpose.

Play gives us a sense of selfishness.

Makes sense to me.

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