Friday, October 13, 2006

Bub Stuff

For those of you that don't know, we are expecting. Whilst that in of itself is exciting, it is a long wait which can stretch on a bit. 9 months is a long time!

But lo, what being pregnant is really about is buying lots of new things. That's the exciting bit to tide you over until your life is turned upside down by that noisy bundle of joy!

So, today we recieved word that the rest of our bub furniture has arrived! We're so excited! Something new to play with. Something to pickup, lug up the stairs and assemble. Then we get to admire it from all angles and then dress it up with stuff.

Though sadly, it is almost the last thing we've had to buy for this bub (so far that is) . No more big purchases until they get a car!

Well ok, I'm sure there will be some small things in between but hey, they're not as exciting as big things that require assembly.

Anyways, I know I've been quite of late, bugger wise and all and I hope you all miss me!

I will post more often as baby stuff comes along 'cos that's really where the exciting stuff is.

Talk to you all soon.

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