Thursday, July 08, 2010

Is Sexy a Bad word/

My son came home the other day with a new phrase, 'Sexy man'. I can only assume he's heard one of his teachers at kindy talking about someone and decided to repeat it. That or perhaps from a song? I couldn't get it out of him (who can at 3?) but I guess it doesn't matter.

Now, I never wanted to be parent to use the phrase "you're too young" though by any stretch he is to be using that phrase. I would much prefer to give him a real reason as to why daddy thinks he shouldn't use that word. I feel I get a much better response from him when I give him a solid reason he can understand rather than a brush off.

The "you're too young" just seems like a cop  out or makes me feel like a lazy parent.

I guess my issue is trying to articulate to a 3yo what is bad about the term sexy, at least coming from a 3yo but I just couldn't do it on the spot.

I just feel my argument of 'just because' doesn't hold enough weight and as a parent I need to give solid reasons for 'no' if I want them to have any affect.

Do you have any ideas? Comment below on what you think.

A new Dad

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