Thursday, September 09, 2010

The Meter Man Came

Well the meter man finally came. I got to learn what was in that mysterious cupboard outside our unit. I also found out that our hot water meter doesn't work. Who knows how long we've been getting free hot water but there's no way for them to work it out so they can't back bill us.

Unfortunately, for the gas it wasn't so easy. The meter worked, it just didn't report back to the utility properly and it was way out. So, no doubt, my next gas bill will be horrendous and they'll be pricks about it. The good side is the hot water will remain free until the man comes back to fix the meter which considering we've been in the place almost 3 years and this is the first time someone has come to check the meters are working...

Perhaps we can argue someone else was living in the until up until now?

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