Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Begining of the End

Last night I signed my life away. The little blue form that lets the government know that I intend to marry. Of course there was the debarcle of trying to find my birth certificate. Seems if you want to get married you have to prove who you are!! It's always impossible to find things after a move. I mean I knew where it was before the more, I needed for my government home owners grant so I must have had it recently.

At any rate, my passport was sufficient to prove who I was. We've signed (Lucy and me) on the dotted line and the paster will submit to the government so that we can be legally (as well as emotionally and spiritually) married.

Its the begining of the end of single life. I never thought I would get to this stage. I never realized how exciting it is to be this close to commiting your life to someone. It's scary and it's amazing. Everytime I think about what I'm doing I get my stomach!

Well, soon (9 1/2 weeks) we will be married and it will all be over and will join the throongs of married couples that don't think anything of it. Or perhaps they do...

Ok, I've gone off track.

Monday, June 20, 2005

To the Death of Weekends

There was a time that I used to look forward to weekends. I had a ritual, Saturdays I would do stuff and Sundays was the lazy day. Sleep in till 12 have lunch at 2pm.

It was a lovely ideal. But now weekends are dead. Saturday and Sunday are just two more days that we can work on. If we are not working (hevean forbid!) then we will have many other engagements that demand our time.

Personal time is a thing of the past. If you're at home doing not much then you should be feeling guilty because there must be things you should be doing!

It wont be long before we're all expected to work 7 days a week and will have to apply to go to our nephews christening!

Yes, I worked all weekend. Yes I went to my nephews chrisitening. Yes I'm grumpy. Will it change anything? No, but at least you got to here about it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Ok, been a bit slack, didn't blog yesterday. Oh wait. Yes I did. Ok, been a bit vague today. Recieved Heavenly Creatures yesterday which, for those of you who don't know, details the 'falling down' so to speak of two girls from NZ in the 50s. I can't remember the name of the mental illness that there were supposedly diagnosed with (something about shared dellusion but the name was french) but they became increasingly isolated and eccentric. This lead their parents to attempt to seperate them which resulted in the death of one of the mothers.

I've been waiting for 10 years to get this on DVD and it finally came out last week. I was a pleasure to watch again and relive those same emotions that it stirred in me all those years ago. I never forget the guilty pleasure I had in relating so very well to Pauline. I found a psych analysis online of her which match me so well it was spooky. Not that I could kill anyone but it makes you wonder. What are we really capapable of given the circumstances.

I'll let you all IMDB it for yourself for more info but I would rate it very well...also directed by Peter Jackson before his LOTR days.

Oh, well, bye for now.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Today I farewelled our admin girl. Well, ok, I let her go early and said good luck but I guess that isn't really a fare welling. It's strange how things that ought to be significant aren't and those things that we wish were not important rules our lives. Such was this. Insigificant it was. An employee leaving from a team of four people shouldn't be insignificant but this one couldn't really be considered a whole part. Oh well. Bring on the next assailant at our tightly knit group. Wherelse could we turn for salvation from the depths of boredom.

Sorry, I recieved Heavenly creatures in the mail today on DVD and have been watching it in my lunch break. Quite hard not to was lyrical when watching that movie. Very disturbing but quite touching for reasons I don't quite understand. Perhaps I will learn more about myself. Who knows?

Friday, June 10, 2005

Slept in this morning. Its funny how our semi conscious minds work. I knew what I was doing when I switched the alarm off. I knew that by not physically getting out of bed at that time meant I would fall asleep again. Yet I still did it and was late for work. Sometimes we are truly lazy, othertimes we manage to remember in time what being truly lazy involves...and we get up.

Oh well. Another day.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

No more school!

Well, I've finally finished my classes for this semester. Yes, I am a uni student, but unlike most uni students, I'm still doing my degree after 14 years. Oh the shame! To be honest, I have had a break in the middle for 6 years so its not all as bad as it seems! If all goes well I will be finished next year and have the self satisfaction of relearning all the stuff that I use day to day in my job. Isn't life great? I don't really need a degree for my job but I need one to feel complete. Its not the work place that is compelling this studiousness upon me, its my friends around me that all have degrees. I just don't know what I would say to my kids years down the track to explain why it was that I started but never finished my degree. I think that looks worse that not bothering at all. At least that I can explain on an ideological level.

Stay tuned for more belly insights tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My First Post

I always wondered what it would be like to have my own blog.

Now I know!! All those wasted thoughts that used to dissapear into the mental ether now can go splat onto this page and find other minds to contaminate.

Hope someone reads this. I will be. It's nice to read your own thoughts.

Anyway, when I have some I'll let you know.