Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Begining of the End

Last night I signed my life away. The little blue form that lets the government know that I intend to marry. Of course there was the debarcle of trying to find my birth certificate. Seems if you want to get married you have to prove who you are!! It's always impossible to find things after a move. I mean I knew where it was before the more, I needed for my government home owners grant so I must have had it recently.

At any rate, my passport was sufficient to prove who I was. We've signed (Lucy and me) on the dotted line and the paster will submit to the government so that we can be legally (as well as emotionally and spiritually) married.

Its the begining of the end of single life. I never thought I would get to this stage. I never realized how exciting it is to be this close to commiting your life to someone. It's scary and it's amazing. Everytime I think about what I'm doing I get my stomach!

Well, soon (9 1/2 weeks) we will be married and it will all be over and will join the throongs of married couples that don't think anything of it. Or perhaps they do...

Ok, I've gone off track.

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