Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Ok, been a bit slack, didn't blog yesterday. Oh wait. Yes I did. Ok, been a bit vague today. Recieved Heavenly Creatures yesterday which, for those of you who don't know, details the 'falling down' so to speak of two girls from NZ in the 50s. I can't remember the name of the mental illness that there were supposedly diagnosed with (something about shared dellusion but the name was french) but they became increasingly isolated and eccentric. This lead their parents to attempt to seperate them which resulted in the death of one of the mothers.

I've been waiting for 10 years to get this on DVD and it finally came out last week. I was a pleasure to watch again and relive those same emotions that it stirred in me all those years ago. I never forget the guilty pleasure I had in relating so very well to Pauline. I found a psych analysis online of her which match me so well it was spooky. Not that I could kill anyone but it makes you wonder. What are we really capapable of given the circumstances.

I'll let you all IMDB it for yourself for more info but I would rate it very well...also directed by Peter Jackson before his LOTR days.

Oh, well, bye for now.

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